2011 Rochester Area Interscholastic Chess Individual Playoffs

Date:  Saturday, April 30, 2011
Location:  Rochester Chess Center  (221 Norris Dr., Rochester)
Times:  games start at 9:00am;  expected end time:  2:00pm

Individual Tournament Standings
1st Place - Webster Kehoe
2nd - Sam Cherin
3rd - Connor Wagner
4th - Bo Tharma
4th - Phillip Wood
6th - Brian Johnston
7th - Markakis
7th - Garrett Thompson
9th - Hopkins
10th - Paola Rigo

This is an individual event; there are no prizes/trophies for teams.
Lunch is not provided but the Chess Center does have a small snack bar and several fast food eateries are nearby.
Pre-registration is strongly encouraged but is not required.  Walk-ins may participate.

To RSVP, call 585-442-2430 or e-mail chesscenter@rochester.rr.com
Pre-registered Players 
Brian Johnston, Greece Arcadia
Adam Shepard, Greece Arcadia
Brett Zicari, Albion
Robert June, Albion
Nick Fitzak, Albion
Alex Fitzak, Albion
Webster Kehoe, Wilson MS
Connor Wagner, Wilson MS
Garrett Thompson, Keshequa
Alyssa Meyer, Greece Arcadia
Denise DeRue, Greece Arcadia
Carmelo Guglielmino, Victor
Paola Rigo, Victor
Matt Johnson, Victor
Brandon Jacobs, Victor
Joe Kitterman, Victor
Sal Berese, Victor
Sam St. Ours, Victor
Brandon McAlees, Victor
Nick Lathrop, Victor
